Well now, how's that for a catchy title?? Hellooooo!!! Anybody out there!? Yeah, I know...not terribly exciting, but that's okay with me. I'm just ducky with it!! Am I ever!!

So, our lovely springtime weather is playing foul tricks on us, yet again. Have you ever wondered just exactly why it's so very, very green in Oregon? No? Well...it could be
because it rains all the bleep bleep time!!! Sorry. But, enough already. I'm so ready for warm, sunny, dry days that I could just ...spit or something!! I know, I know if we don't get the rain now, then it will get all dry and brown in the summer - and this country will just burn up!! I've heard that particular one all my life. Seriously. I've never seen this part of the country burn up yet. Okay, enough about the weather except to say that our weather has taken a slight detour, shall we say southward - no, that's not working, let's just say it's dipped - yes, that'll do it, it's dipped to a lower range on the old thermometer and the liquid sunshine is aplenty. I know that I'll be lighting a fire in ye old wood stove again tonight. *
sheesh* Things could always be worse. Yes indeedy they could. So I shall stop my complaining and just be thankful that I don't have to water the outside plants or the lawn. Nope - not tonight. The silver lining again.
This week at the clinic, except for today has been quite busy. Business has definitely picked up lately, and that's a good thing. I've also contacted my neighbor with the tractor and he's hopefully coming this weekend to do the tillwork in the outside riding area. I don't call it an arena because that's not exactly what it is. It's really a corral. My hubby and I built it shortly after we moved to our house about 14 years ago. At the time, I got a really good deal on the lumber because it was...shall we say, aged. Yes, somewhat aged. But, despite that the corral has held up over the years and we've seen many a good ride there. But, she's looking a little tired these days. Many of the boards are so rotten, they are slowly disentegrating around the nails that hold them in place. The horses don't know that though. Let's just keep that our little secret shall we?? It is what it is. And it's what we've got. And frankly, I love the way it looks - all westerney and worn, very cowboyish...quite fashionable actually. Why, for all I know we're the envy of all our friends and neighbors. How's that for a little suggestive thinking? See how I survive in this world? I'm really quite impressionable. Kidding!! I'm a rock!!

So far this spring, the weather has been somewhat less accomodating for such projects like, gardening. But that hasn't stopped me from thinking about it, or making my mental plans and such. Just last weekend, my hubby built a very lovely raised growing bed for me. It's about 20 ft in length and 3-1/2 feet wide. It's going to become my berry patch. I love berries!! My thoughts are to have a row of cane berries in the back. These will include boysenberries and marionberries. Along the front side will be a row of strawberries. And somewhere, maybe equally spaced in front of the strawberries will be the bush variety red raspberries. I haven't got that perfectly defined yet. We'll have to see how it all pans out. But the box itself looks great, and we've sprayed the grass growing inside and will line the bottom with newspapers and weed prevention fabric. Then we will bring in load after load of our beautifully composted horse manure and sawdust that's been aging to perfection for the last several years. It really is beautiful stuff!! The horses should be proud!!

In another smaller raised bed will be my precious tomato plants. I've decided to forego the large and timeconsuming vegetable garden that I've planted in years past and concentrate on just a few of our most favorite summertime pleasures. That will leave more time for enjoying our summer and less time (hopefully) spent weeding and watering. Anyway, that's the plan for now. We'll see how things end up.
Here's a picture of my lovely sister. We all gathered at her house weekend before last for a celebration of my sis and her hubby's 47th wedding anniversary. They had been gone for the last couple of months down in sunny Arizona enjoying their retirement.
See the lovely color of her skin? That's what happens when the sun comes out and stays for more than a day at a time. Sorry, I digress...again.

And below is my favorite poochie...Annie. Always happy and lively no matter what.

Whoever said that, " it's a dog's life", definitely did not mean that in a derrogatory manner. I'm pretty sure...