Yep...I am easily amused.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ye Olde Pecking Order
Yep...I am easily amused.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Horses, horses, horses and ...aaaccckk!!!!!
I don't have a lot to report here today, so I thought it would be a great time to take a cruise down memory lane and post a whole bunch of pictures of some of the "importants" in my life. Some are still a part of my life and some are resting in their graves, but each one enriched my life and led me to where I am today. God bless each and every one for they were a gift and I am so very thankful to have known them. Without them, life wouldn't have been nearly as sweet.
This is an oldie here. This is the mare that my mom and dad gave me for Christmas one year when I was 12-13 years old. Still to this day, she ranks as the best gift ever. Her name was Flexy, but we just called her Flex. She was one hot tamale, that one. Taught me just about everything that I know about riding horses. She was incredible and I miss her still. She was layed to rest at the ripe old age of 33 on the same day as her daughter (who is not pictured here today) and I miss her still. She was "pure gold" and loved to run...she could fly like the wind and turn on a dime and give you 9 and a half cents change. She was the best and she knew it!
This was my next horse Kadie. She was also a gift. My hubby surprised me with this little mare and she is the most perfect, angelic, never do anything wrong horse that I've ever rode in my entire life. She is a mountain pony extraordinaire and is unflappable...unless we encounter a spotted cow, or a monk dressed in "Friar Tuck" garb...then she's outta there...hang on!
And...she gave me my Ladde boy.
She's just 15 hands high and slight of build and every inch the lady. Who woulda thought that she would produce such a big boy.
And here's Ladde at just barely a year old and already the height of his mother. Yep, a full 15 hands on his first birthday. We just had no clue what was to come. At birth he was an exceptionally large colt with excessively long legs and big bones. Be careful what you wish for.
In my eyes though, he's perfect and will always be a very special horse and hold a very special place in my heart.
He has changed some over the years hasn't he? See the butterfly on his shoulder?
And here's my hubby with Kadie on the left and our grand dame of the herd, Siri. She's the ghost wind mare. We had no idea what that was when we bought her, but while reading the book, the lineage in the book looked very familiar. We got out Siri's registration papers and found them to be an exact duplicate straight through from 1864 ish to her grandfather. Pretty cool! We tried to breed her years ago, but it wasn't meant to be. My hubby rode her for years as his main trail horse. She just turned 27 years old and is pretty much retired now...she looks and acts much younger than her age though.
These pics were taken a couple of years ago when we took the girls out for a stroll. They loved it!
Whereas Ladde was a big boned, lankey and funny looking foal...Harley was drop dead gorgeous. The cutest foal in the whole, wide world...and he knew it!
He got the nickname of Spunky from me and it still fits him. He was and still is a snuggle bunny and is very laid different from Ladde as night and day. I prefer riding Harley in the woods over Ladde. Harley is 15.3 hands high and is a better fit. The first time I sat on Harley it felt like slipping on a favorite old slipper. And, he listens more than any other horse I've ever ridden. He can be lazy though...nobody's perfect. My little Spunky.
Mom and son, Scoot and Harley - looking more alike as the years go by.
It was only about 5-6 months after these pictures were taken that we had to let go of our beloveded Scooter and lay her to rest under our apple tree.
Enjoying the mister in the good old summertime.
See Harley's shades...he's too cool for a regular old flymask!
Kadie and Harley enjoying some spring grass. Harley looovves Kadie - she tolerates him.
And aaaaacccckk!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck kinda horse is that!!???
Never fear ... it's Llama Dude!!!! aka Merlin.
He thinks he's a horse...just ask him!!
Next time, I'll have to post about my hubby's favorite horse, Affermative Shadow.
Until then, blessings to all from cingspots :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunrises, Spring, Blessings and holidays, oh my!!
Ladde's birthday is on the first day of spring too! Yep, March 20th is the Laddmonster's birthday and this year he's going to be a teenager! I can hardly believe it - a whole 13 years old!! Why, it seems like only yesterday that I completely missed the birth and I went out to check on my beautiful little angel mare Kadie and ...there was this big, boney, excessively long-legged, mule-eared, curly-haired (funny looking) colt laying right on top of a pile of very large rocks that we had picked up from the paddock area and placed in the corner of the small pasture area. Yep, of all the places in the whole vicinity, Ladde had decided to lay down in the corner on the top of a pile of rocks. And - he was stuck. Mama had been pawing at the wall of the barn for apparently a long time judging from all the scratch marks on the wood above Ladde; but you see...he was on a pile of rocks and could not get his footing to stand and...well you know, he needed help. So, I squeeze inside and shimmy along the wall between Kadie (she wasn't about to move) and pick up the big, funny looking foal and place him on his feet. Did I mention that he had a huge, bright pink abrasion on his right hip bone? Well, he did and it was big and he still has the scar to this day. Anyway, so the instant I set him on his feet, Kadie gives me a definitive shove with a look that says now get the hell out of here and leave us alone - so I did. And then I started to cry because after all that time waiting and waiting, I have no idea just what I had expected but it sure wasn't this!! He was kinda funny looking, but I was so very thankful that he seemed to be doing fine and Kade sure seemed perfectly fine and all was well...and I was thankful and relieved and completely in awe. So, I went in the house and called my boss and said that I needed to stay home that day and I changed my clothes and headed back out to the barn to watch Ladde. And now, almost 13 years later, I'm still watching that horse and am totally and completely in love and enamored with him. Lord help me...I'm so hooked on the big old galoot. But, still to this day am counting him as one of my most dearly beloved blessings ever received from God above...and so very thankful to have him in my life. *sigh* I have no idea what I had in mind when I started typing this post this morning, but this wasn't it...see what I's all about Ladde.
I digress...once again. :) I'm blaming it all on hormones - that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
So, I read my church newsletter the other day and inside was this true story and I thought I would pass it on. I enjoyed it very much and it made me smile.
The Atheists' Holiday
In Florida, an atheist created a case against the Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument presented: it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized day(s). The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed". The lawyer immediately stood, objecting to the ruling, saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah. Yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays". The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is 'April Fools Day' and Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his holiday. Court is adjourned."
Can we get an Amen!?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Thoughts to ponder
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Winter is truly getting to me and affecting my outlook on everything. And when I get like this, I tend to become somewhat of an introvert lest I scare everyone around me off. I have learned many techniques over the years to help this situation; light is good, but I have very little control over the amount of sunlight in my world. Keeping my mind active with classical music helps, studying Scripture helps, especially Psalms and the Proverbs, but anything from the Bible really. Another useful tool is banishing all negative thoughts from my mind; this is an especially difficult one for me and it's not the same as positive thinking. Research in the area of depression has shown that positive thinking does absolutely nothing for the human psyche, but ridding oneself of negative thoughts is helpful. A fine line there, but if you think about that for a minute, there's definitely a difference. Drinking lots of fluids and especially water is a good thing, exercise outside in the fresh air is a very good habit to have, especially walking. I guess walking sets up a rhythm within the body that is one of the most beneficial exercises that a person can do. And, it requires no special equipment and can be done almost anywhere. That's why it's usually my first choice in exercise. But really, anything is beneficial and better than nothing.
But, I am digressing again. My intent today was not to discuss depression, but more along the lines of a person's thoughts and how very much they affect our relationships with other people and our whole outlook in life. I can be a very judgemental person and for some reason, I tend to focus on a person's flaws instead of their attributes. I don't do this just with other people, oh quite the contrary...I am also my own worst enemy. I find it very difficult to give myself a break and treat myself with any degree of kindness. I am not a friend to myself. I have been working on this problem of mine for a very long time, and at times I'm definitely more successful than at other times. One of my areas of most concern is what I refer to as my "self talk". I would never in a million years verbally express to another person some of the things that I will commonly say to myself, or about myself. And, I tend to say some very hurtful things to the people that I love the most. Not all the time, but when I get angry, look out. I tend to let fly with my verbal onslaught and can snowball out of control rather easily. The Bible says that the tongue can be our most dangerous weapon and I know that this is true. More harm can be done with our words than with most anything else, and once spoken those words cannot be taken back. There are some things that I have said that I wish I could take back, but that will never happen. I just need to learn to control my thoughts first, and then it will become easier for me to refrain from saying things that would have been better left unsaid.
My mom used to tell me that if you can't say something nice, then you shouldn't say anything at all. Those are very wise words and I'm still trying to learn that lesson after all these years. I truly aspire to see the good in people rather than focus on their bad, and that goes for myself too. The Bible teaches us to stop pointing out the splinter in your neighbor's eye when we ourselves have a log in ours. I've oversimplified the verse, but the point is there nonetheless.
May God be patient with each one of us and bestow us with His bountiful blessings.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Breaking Rules 101
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day and Broken Promises
How could I ever resist that sweet mug??
Have I ever mentioned just how much I love that horse??
I'm a goner.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Picture's worth a thousand words...
The tidepools below harbor a world teaming with life. The day was cool with a stiff breeze coming in from the ocean and the fog never quite receded.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's not Wednesday, it's Humpday
I think today might be a triple shot latte day. Hmmm, sounds good to me.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Mid Winter and counting
Thanks ever so much Lisa!!! I am grateful and just as pleased as punch if even once I've made someone smile or laugh.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fantastic Friday Whimsy
On the seventh day, God rested and said “This is good. This will teach man humility. It will tire him out and keep him striving ever forward to meet the needs of the Horse.”
These pictures were all taken from a camping trip to Sheep Springs Horse Camp near Sisters, Oregon a couple of years ago. Me and my trail pony, "Harley".