Wednesday, August 20, 2014

She who barks at periwinkles

Yes indeed, my little girl turned 4 years old on the 3rd of August!  I can't believe I forgot her birthday...will definitely have to make it up to her.  :)

I love my dogs so much.  They are a huge part of my life - of our lives.  Simply put - they make life so much better, and I simply cannot imagine going through this life without a dog, or two.  My little Ruby...rotten rotten.  And yes, she earned that nickname honestly.  

Last weekend when we took the dogs and the horses and went camping to the Flying M, it was hot.  So very hot.  Out of sheer desperation we spent a big chunk of our afternoon in the creek, with the dogs.  We found an amazing swimming hole that was chest deep on me and was absolutely perfect for the dogs to swim to their hearts' content.  Puts a smile on my face every single time.  Yes, indeedy!

We learned a little somethin' somethin' new about Miss Rubes.  Yep!  She does indeed, bark at periwinkles.  :)  At first, I thought she was just barking at a stubborn stick or the like, that she was having difficulties prying loose or something, but after watching her stare at the creek bed and then bark, and even give a little startle - we figured out what she was doing.  She'd watch the little critters move around and then bark at them.  *sigh*  She's so stinkin' cute!!  Guess it was the first time she's actually taken the time to really see what's going on at the bottom of the water.  

Anyway, I can hardly believe that my sweet, little puppy that we brought home at seven weeks of age; is already 4 years old.  *sigh*  Makes me wish, again, that time would just slow down a little.  Only a little...

Dogs get older, people get older, I'm getting older too...

She's a mouthy little broad.  Quite independent and opinionated.  Enjoys her quiet time by herself, but loves to socialize and play.  Hmmm, sounds like her momma!  

She's a great snuggler.  Loves to take naps...another thing we've got in common.  

What can I say?  She's a free spirit.

For my Ruby, life has always been a beach.  

And if I have anything to do with always will be.

Happy Birthday Ruby!!!  


aurora said...

Sounds like Ruby had her own fun celebrating her birthday at the beach. I had to look up periwinkles, last I knew it was a plant that flowered blue. Made me wonder why a dog would bark at a plant, apparently it is also a snail. I learned something new today! Funny that she barks at something that moves so slow. Life wouldn't be the same without animals, they are so special in so many ways.

C-ingspots said...

We always have something new to learn right? So, interesting that "those in the know" say that periwinkles are snails...they're actually more like an underwater insect of sorts. They have legs, antennae and live inside sand/gravel-turned into shells. They move along the creek bottom and hang onto the rocks. When we were kids, we used to peel their shells away and dad would use them for fish bait on his hook. :)

Michelle said...

Awww...she's a cutie! It HAS been hot, hasn't it? I think I'm turning more and more into a Fall girl. :) Ugh....don't talk about getting old. My bones ache more and more every year. ;) I haven't been riding much this girlfriend who had the horse that I rode (Ari..the Appaloosa) lost him in surgery. :(( He was going in for his eyes. *sigh* It was unexpected but I drove down with her to Washington to rescue a beautiful Azteca from slaughter and Merlin has turned our to be a great trail horse. Still not Ari and I need to get over that. Hope you're enjoying the summer despite the hot weather. I will get back up on Merlin in a couple of weeks! We love riding at Hardy Creek.

C-ingspots said...

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about Ari!! What a shock that must have been. That so rarely happens in surgery these days, but it does happen. *sigh* So sad. I'm happy to hear that she gave another wonderful horse a loving home though...gave him a chance at a good life. Hardy Creek is someplace I've always wanted to try and never have. It's about an hour and a half from her, +/- ...someday. Yes, we're enjoying our summer, but I'm not enjoying the excessive heat - can't take it anymore. Take care!

Carolynn Anctil said...

She looks so much like our Willow, who will be turning 3 this fall.

Happy Birthday, Ruby Girl!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

what a sweetie! Happy belated Birthday!

T.L. Merrybard said...

I have a black Lab water wee-er too. :) Happy Bday, Ruby, from my two naughty black Labs.

Angel The Alien said...

My dogs are the lights of my life too. I can't imagine life without them. Yours are very sweet! That is funny that she barks at periwinkles. When I was in California and we went to the river, a girl brought her dog, and the dog was standing in the river trying to bite the sunlight reflections in the water! He did this for hours! Dogs are so goofy.